Sleeping Wombat Common Library  0.50.0
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
 Csw::AnimalBase animal class
 Csw::MammalBase mammal class
 CAnimEvaluator< KeyType, AddressType >Evaluates animation
 Csw::ChunkRepresents memory chunk in file
 Csw::DataPackData pointer and it's size
 Csw::DataUPackData pointer and it's size. This struct is used to transfer ownership of pointer
 Cfilesystem::DirDirectory manipulation
 CDirectProperty< KeyType >
 Csw::ExceptionBase exception class
 Cfilesystem::FileFile abstraction layer
 Csw::FileHeaderHierarchical Chunked Format file header
 Csw::HCFMain class for loading and writing HCF files
 CIAnimationBase animation class
 CAnimationTyped< KeyType >Interface class for manipulating animation keys
 Csw::IAttributeBase attribute class
 CIDeserializerInterface for deserializers
 CICollection< ElementType >
 CIInterpolator< KeyType >Base class for interpolators
 CCosinusInterpolator< KeyType >Cosinus interpolator
 CDiscreteInterpolator< KeyType >
 CDummyInterpolator< KeyType >Temporary interpolator for internal use
 CLinearInterpolator< KeyType >Linear interpolator
 CProperty< PropertyType >
 CDefaultInterpolators::is_param_animation_enabled< KeyType >Trait for enabling types for parameter animation
 CISerializationContextInterface for context used in serialization and deserialization.ISerializationContext is used to store additional data during serialization and deserialization. Classes derived from Object can provide their own implementation of Serialize and Deserialize function which can retrive context by calling ISerializer::GetContext or IDeserializer::GetContext function
 Csw::SerializationContextSerialization context for automatic serialization
 CISerializerSerializers interface
 CKey< ValueType >Animation key
 CKeySet< KeyType >Set of animation keys and interpolators
 Csw::LoggerThis class is interface to write logger independent system
 CMemoryChunkKlasa przechowuje pamięć o dowolnym przeznaczeniu
 Csw::Nullable< ContentType >Alexandrescu Expected type for error handling
 CNullable< ResultType >Returns value or error
 Csw::Nullable< void >Alexandrescu Expected type for error handling
 CObjectBase clas for all objects in sleeping wombat libraries
 Csw::EngineObjectBase class for serializable objects
 CTimelineBaseBase class for timelines
 CObjectDeleter< class_type >Klasa służy do kasowania obiektów, których destruktor jest prywatny.Taka sytuacja zachodzi w momencie, gdy nie chcemy, aby każda klasa mogła skasować jakiś obiekt, ale chcemy dać takie uprawnienia jedynie wybrańcom. Ta klasa implementuje funkcjonalność kasowania obieków. Obiekt tej klasy może zostać stworzony jedynie przez funkcję, która dostarczy odpowiedni obiekt klucz ObjectDeleterKey. Dopiero wtedy można wywołać funkcję delete_object, która usunie żądany obiekt z pamięci
 CObjectDeleterKey< class_type >You can specify classes that can delete objects with private constructors
 Cpath_implSimple class for manipulating paths on Linux/Windows/Mac OS
 CPropertyPath< KeyType >
 Csw::QueueMT< ContentType >Concurrent queue
 Csw::ReaderUniqueLock< MutexType >Equivalent of std::unique_lock class for ReaderWriterLock
 Csw::ReaderWriterLockReaders-Writers problem solution with readers preference
 CresolverSimple class for resolving paths on Linux/Windows/Mac OS
 CResourceContainer< TYPE >
 Csw::SemaphoreSemaphore class
 Csw::SerializationMain object which performs serialization and deserialization
 Csw::SerializationCoreCore serialization/deserialization functions
 CSpinLockKlasa służąca jako mutex z aktywnym oczekiwaniem
 CSpinLockedQueue< ContentType >Kolejka z mechanizmami synchronizacji opartymi o SpinLocka
 CStringPropertyPath< KeyType >
 Csw::ThreadsBarrierCan block multiple threads and wait for signal. ThreadsBarrier is reusable
 Csw::ThreadsLatchCan block multiple threads and wait for signal. ThreadsLatch is not reusable. Use ThreadsBarrier instead
 CUPtr< WrappedType >
 CVersionStandard version structure
 Csw::WriterUniqueLock< MutexType >Equivalent of std::unique_lock class for ReaderWriterLock