Sleeping Wombat Common Library  0.50.0
Todo List
Member DefaultInterpolators::Create (InterpolatorType type, const Key< KeyType > &leftKey, const Key< KeyType > &rightKey, UPtr< const IInterpolator< KeyType > > &leftInterpolator, UPtr< const IInterpolator< KeyType > > &rightInterpolator)
Implement Bezier interpolator.
globalScope> Member DEFINE_CONFIG_VALUE_DEFAULT (type, name, defaultValue)
Write base class for configs and make automatic serialization and deserialization.
Member DirectProperty< KeyType >::m_object
Change to typed pointer some way.
Member IDeserializer::CurrentLineNumber () const
Think how to do this in AllocStrings mode.
Module Interpolators
Complete description.
Member KeySet< KeyType >::Evaluate (TimeType time)
Check if we can find keywith std::lower_bound or FindPlace. Messure performance in cases with multiple keys and choose better version.
Class Object
Move to sw namespace.
Module Reflection
W obecnej wersji silnika wymaganie posiadania Object w hierarchii nie jest już konieczne z punktu widzenia edytora. W kolejnych wersjach trzeba zmienić mechanizmy serializacji, żeby potrafiły zapisywać również takie struktury.
Member sw::SerializationCore::CreateAndSetObjectProperty (const IDeserializer &deser, const rttr::instance &object, rttr::property &prop, TypeID dynamicType)

When created type is raw pointer and property is wrapped type, we could handle this case by creating wrapper from pointer. Consider this in future. Many problems could apear, when it comes to ownership of memory and so on.

We must take into considerations other wrapper types which not necessary take ownership of object. To do this we must be able to determine wrapper template type and have some traits connected to ownership. Think about it in future.

Member sw::SerializationCore::DeserializeArrayTypes (const IDeserializer &deser, const rttr::instance &object, rttr::property &prop)

Error handling.

This warning should be conditional depending on flag in SerializationContext.

This warning should be conditional depending on flag in SerializationContext.

Member sw::SerializationCore::DeserializeNotPolymorphic (const IDeserializer &deser, const rttr::instance &object, rttr::property &prop)

This warning should be conditional depending on flag in SerializationContext.

This warning should be conditional depending on flag in SerializationContext.

Member sw::SerializationCore::DeserializePolymorphic (const IDeserializer &deser, const rttr::instance &object, rttr::property &prop)
This warning should be conditional depending on flag in SerializationContext.
Member sw::SerializationCore::DeserializeProperty (const IDeserializer &deser, rttr::property prop, const rttr::instance &object)

Można zoptymalizować pobieranie nazwy z właściwości i ograniczyć alokację stringów.

Error handling.

Member sw::SerializationCore::SerializeProperty (ISerializer &ser, rttr::property prop, const rttr::instance &object)
Można zoptymalizować pobieranie nazwy z właściwości i ograniczyć alokację stringów.
Class sw::ThreadsBarrier
Module TestClassHierarchy
Extract all classes to different library which can be freely linked to any project. Move to swCommonLibrary.
globalScope> Member UPtr
Use std::unique_ptr instead. Unique_ptr didn't want to compile in current visual compiler.