Sleeping Wombat Common Library  0.50.0
XML Serializer

Implementation of XML serialization. More...

Implementation of XML serialization.

Project SerializerXML contains implementation of XML serialization based on RapidXML library.*/

struct SerializerImpl { rapidxml::xml_document<> root; std::stack< rapidxml::xml_node<>* > valuesStack; };

namespace {

/ Helper inline void SetAttributeHelper( SerializerImpl* impl, const char* name, Size nameSize, const char* value, Size valueSize ) { char* attribName = impl->root.allocate_string( name, nameSize ); char* attribValue = impl->root.allocate_string( value, valueSize );

rapidxml::xml_attribute<>* attribute = impl->root.allocate_attribute( attribName, attribValue, nameSize, valueSize ); auto currentNode = impl->; currentNode->append_attribute( attribute ); }

} //anonymous
